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Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Select the correct Passive form of the given sentence.


They drew a circle with the help of sketch pen.


A circle has been drawing since morning with the help of sketch pen.

A circle was being drawn by them with the help of sketch pen.

A circle was drawn by them with the help of sketch pen.

A circle have been drawn by them with the help of sketch pen.

Correct Answer:

A circle was drawn by them with the help of sketch pen.


The correct passive form of the given sentence is:

A circle was drawn by them with the help of a sketch pen.

Let's break down the options:

  1. A circle has been drawing since morning with the help of a sketch pen. (Incorrect) This option uses the incorrect verb form "has been drawing," which suggests that "a circle" is actively performing the action of drawing. The correct form should use "was drawn" to indicate the passive voice.

  2. A circle was being drawn by them with the help of a sketch pen. (Incorrect) This option uses the past continuous tense "was being drawn," which suggests an ongoing action in the past. The original sentence does not indicate an ongoing action; it simply states that "a circle" was drawn. The correct form should use the simple past tense "was drawn."

  3. A circle was drawn by them with the help of a sketch pen. (Correct) This sentence correctly uses the passive voice and conveys the same meaning as the original sentence. It uses the correct form "was drawn."

  4. A circle have been drawn by them with the help of a sketch pen. (Incorrect) This option uses the incorrect verb form "have been drawn." The subject "A circle" is singular, so the correct form should be "has been drawn" (singular) rather than "have been drawn" (plural). The correct form should be "A circle was drawn," as shown in option 3.