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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is a characteristic of permanent tissue?


Cells divide repeatedly

Inorganic inclusions are absent

Intercellular spaces are present

Vacuoles are absent

Correct Answer:

Intercellular spaces are present


The correct answer is Option (3)- Intercellular spaces are present

The characteristic features of permanent tissue are as follows:

  • Cells possess intercellular spaces that maintain separation between them.
  • The cells can either be living or dead, indicating the presence or absence of protoplasm.
  • Tissue may consist of a single type of cell or a variety of cell types.
  • The cell wall is typically composed of cellulose, although it may contain other complex carbohydrates as well.
  • Cells exhibit various shapes, such as round, oval, or polygonal.
  • Living cells contain cytoplasm surrounding a prominent central vacuole.
  • Cells within permanent tissue do not undergo division at all.