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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


Read the passage and answer the following question:

In may 1977, the Janata party government appointed a commission of Inquiry headed by Justice J.C. Shah retired chief justice of the supreme court of India, to inquire into several aspects of allegations of abuse of authority, excesses and malpractices committed and action taken in the wake of the Emergency proclaimed on the 25th June 1975. The Commission examined various kind of evidence and called scores of witnesses to give testimonies. The government of India accepted the findings, observations and recommendations contained in the two interim reports and third and final report of the Shah Commission.

Under the provision of which article in the Indian Constitution Government could declare a State of emergency on ground of external threat or internal disturbance?


Article 350

Article 351

Article 352

Article 353

Correct Answer:

Article 352


The correct answer is option 3 - Article 352

A state of emergency was declared on 25 June 1975 under Article 352 of the Constitution of India.
On 25 June 1975, the government declared that there was a threat of internal disturbances and therefore, it invoked Article 352 of the Constitution. Under the provision of this article, the government could declare a state of emergency on grounds of external threat or a threat of internal disturbances. The government decided that a grave crisis had arisen which made the proclamation of a state of emergency necessary.

Please note- Now, internal’ Emergency can be proclaimed only on the grounds of ‘armed rebellion’ and it is necessary that the advice to the President to proclaim an Emergency must be given in writing by the Council of Ministers.