Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion and the other is labelled as Reason:

Assertion: Equal citizenship brings with it certain basic rights such as the right to vote, freedom of expression, movement and association and freedom of belief.
Reason: They are economic rights which are considered necessary to enable citizens to develop themselves and participate in the affairs of the state.


Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.

Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.

The Assertion is incorrect but the Reason is correct.

The Assertion is correct but the Reason is incorrect.

Correct Answer:

The Assertion is correct but the Reason is incorrect.


The correct answer is Option 4 - The Assertion is correct but the Reason is incorrect.

Assertion: Equal citizenship brings with it certain basic rights such as the right to vote, freedom of expression, movement and association and freedom of belief.
Reason: They are economic rights (incorrect) which are considered necessary to enable citizens to develop themselves and participate in the affairs of the state.

Correction in Reason: They are LEGAL RIGHTS, not economic rights which are considered necessary to enable citizens to develop themselves and participate in the affairs of the state.

In democratic societies, political equality would normally include granting equal citizenship to all the members of the state. Equal citizenship brings with it certain basic rights such as the right to vote, freedom of expression, movement and association and freedom of belief. These are rights which are considered necessary to enable citizens to develop themselves and participate in the affairs of the state. But they are legal rights, guaranteed by the constitution and laws. We know that considerable inequality can exist even in countries which grant equal rights to all citizens. These inequalities are often the result of differences in the resources and opportunities which are available to citizens in the social and economic spheres. For this reason a demand is often made for equal opportunities, or for ‘a level playing field’. But we should remember that although political and legal equality by itself may not be sufficient to build a just and egalitarian society, it is certainly an important component of it.