Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Complete the pattern


Complete the figure matrix:


Correct Answer:


Here, the pattern follow is(row wise):

i) The alphabet in the 3rd box is same as in 1st box (with one decreasing).

ii) The difference b/w alphabets from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd is same. (with increasing and decreasing)



Lets take the pattern of row 1,

Here, Z = 26, A = 1

i) 1st box: ZZ and 3rd box: Z (one decreasing)

ii) Z (26) ⇒ +1 ⇒ A (1) ⇒ -1 ⇒ Z (26)



In the second row,

Here, Q = 17, Z = 26

i) 1st box: QQQ and 3rd box: QQ (one decreasing)

ii) Q (17) ⇒ +9 ⇒ Z (26) ⇒ -17 ⇒ Q (17)



In the third row,

Here, M = 13, Q = 17

i) 1st box: MM and 3rd box: M (one decreasing)

ii) M (14) ⇒ +3 ⇒ Q (17) ⇒ -3 ⇒ M (14)

So, according to the pattern there will come M