Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


Match the following options in List 1 correctly with those in List 2:

List 1

List 2

(a) Anti-congress

(i) A group of powerful and influential leaders within the congress.

(b) Slogan

(ii)) Parties with different ideological positions come together to oppose Congress and its policies.

(c) Defection

(iii) A catchy phrase that attracts public attention.

(d) Syndicate

(iv) An elected represen­tative is leaving the party whose ticket she/he has been elected.



(a)-(iv) (b)-(iii) (c)-(i) (d)-(ii)

(a)-(iii) (b)-(i) (c)-(iv) (d)- (ii)

(a)-(ii) (b)-(i) (c)-(iii) (d)-(iv)

(a)-(ii) (b)- (iii) (c)-(iv) (d)- (i)

Correct Answer:

(a)-(ii) (b)- (iii) (c)-(iv) (d)- (i)


Parties with different ideological positions come together to oppose Congress and its policies which was called Anti-congress.

A catchy phrase that attracts public attention is called 'Slogan'. 'Indira Hatao' and 'Garibi Hatao' were famous slogans of the 1970s.

Defection means an elected represen­tative leaving the party whose ticket she/he has been elected.

Syndicate was a group of powerful and influential leaders within the Congress. They helped Indira Gandhi to become the Prime Minister of India after Shastri.