Practicing Success

Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Population-Distribution,Density, Growth and Composition


What is/are the challenges associated with the adolescents that can become hindrance in carrying out their full potential ?


School Dropout

Juvenile delinquency

Drug abuse and alcoholism

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The adolescent population is regarded as the youthful population having high potentials, but at the same time they are quite vulnerable if not guided and channelised properly. There are many challenges for the society as far as these adolescents are concerned, some of which are lower age at marriage, illiteracy – particularly female illiteracy, school dropouts, low intake of nutrients, high rate of maternal mortality of adolescent mothers, high rate of HIV and AIDS infections, physical and mental disability or retardedness, drug abuse and alcoholism, juvenile delinquency and commitence of crimes, etc.