Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Matching Definitions


An infiltration is an act of entering or gaining access to a place secretly, especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection. Which of the following situations is the best example of an infiltration?


A sample 25-minute circuit workout for military training is performed by completing 15 repetitions of 13 different exercises.

Army developed tactics to break the trench-warfare stalemate on the eastern front.

For some years now, a part of the intellectual and political world has been seduced by the unbelievable idea of a clash of civilizations.

The Department of Census and Statistics starts nationwide exercise to assess the loss of human lives due to the civil war.

Correct Answer:

Army developed tactics to break the trench-warfare stalemate on the eastern front.


The option B clearly shows that military developed tactics to gain access to a place to break the trench-warfare stalemate.