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Target Exam





Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Which of the following statements is correct about women in India in medieval times as described by different foreign travellers?


Some women seemed to embrace death cheerfully, others were forced to die.

Women from merchant families participated in commercial activities, sometimes even taking mercantile disputes to the court of law

The labor of women was crucial in both agricultural and non-agricultural production.

All of the above.

Correct Answer:

All of the above.


Bernier noted that while some women seemed to embrace death cheerfully, others were forced to die. However, women’s lives revolved around much else besides the practice of Sati. Their labor was crucial in both agricultural and non-agricultural production. Women from merchant families participated in commercial activities, sometimes even taking mercantile disputes to the court of law. It, therefore, seems unlikely that women were confined to the private spaces of their homes.