Target Exam





Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Read the passage given below. It is an account given by a foreign traveller.
I was attacked by the fever, and I actually tied myself on the saddle with a turban cloth in case I should fall off by reason of my weakness . So at last we reached the town of Tunis, and the townsfolk came out to welcome the shaikh and the son of the qazi . On all sides they came forward with greetings and questions to one another, but not a soul said a word of greeting to me, since there was none of them I knew. I felt so sad at heart on account of my loneliness that I could not restrain the tears that started to my eyes, and wept bitterly. But one of the pilgrims, realising the cause of my distress, came up to me with a greeting .
This is the account of which of the traveller?


Ibn Batuta

Al Biruni

Marco Polo

Abdur Razzaq Samarqandi

Correct Answer:

Ibn Batuta


This is an excerpt from Rihla. Ibn Batutta mentioned that robbers were not the only hazard on long journeys: the traveler could feel homesick or fall ill.