Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations

Arrange in chronological order:
A. The Tashkent Agreement
B. The Panchsheel Agreement
C. India-USSR Treaty of Peace and Friendship
D. Shimla Agreement
E. Indus Water Treaty
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

E, B, D, A, C

B, E, A, C, D

D, B, E, A, C

C, A, B, E, D

Correct Answer:

B, E, A, C, D


The joint enunciation of Panchsheel, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, by the Indian Prime Minister Nehru and the Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai on 29 April 1954 was a step in the direction of a stronger relationship between the two countries. 

The India-Pakistan Indus Waters Treaty was signed by Nehru and General Ayub Khan in 1960.

The hostilities came to an end with the UN intervention. Later, Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan’s General Ayub Khan signed the Tashkent Agreement, brokered by the Soviet Union, in January 1966.

Henry Kissinger, the adviser to the US President Richard Nixon, made a secret visit to China via Pakistan in July 1971. In order to counter the US-Pakistan-China axis, India signed a 20-year Treaty of Peace and Friendship with the Soviet Union in August 1971.

With Bangladesh as a free country, India declared a unilateral ceasefire. Later, the signing of the Shimla Agreement between Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on 3 July 1972 formalised the return of peace.