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Target Exam





Indian Society: Introducing Indian Society


Different individuals may be implicated in society related problems in different roles, depending on their ____________.


Social reality

Social map

Social locations

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Social locations


Issues of communalism or the animosity of one religious community towards another, or casteism, which is the exclusion or oppression of some castes by others, are society-wide problems. Different individuals may be implicated in them in different roles, depending on their social location. Thus, a person from a so-called upper caste who believes in the inferiority of the people born into so-called lower castes is involved in casteism as a perpetrator, while a member of a so-called low caste community is also involved, but as a victim. In the same way, both men and women, as distinct social groups, are affected by gender inequalities, but in very different ways