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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


Match the following Political Parties of India in List 1 with the description associated with it in List 2:

List- 1

List- 2

(A) Bharatiya Jana Sangh

(I) The party accommodated individuals and groups with a range of beliefs.

(B) Communist Party of India

(II) The party called for a reunion of India and Pakistan in Akhand Bharat

(C) Congress Socialist Party

(III) The party abandoned the path of violent revolution in 1951

(D) Indian National Congress

(IV) The party wanted a more radical and egalitarian Congress



(A)- I, (B)- III, (C)- IV, (D)- II

(A)- I, (B)- IV, (C)- III, (D)- II

(A)- I, (B)- IV, (C)- II, (D)- III

(A)- II, (B)- III, (C)- IV, (D)- I

Correct Answer:

(A)- II, (B)- III, (C)- IV, (D)- I


The Bharatiya Jana Sangh was founded in 1951 by Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, its lineage traced back to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Hindu Mahasabha. Jana Sangh emphasized the idea of one country, one culture, and one nation, believing that India could progress and become strong based on its culture and traditions. The party advocated for the reunification of India and Pakistan in ‘Akhand Bharat’ & opposed granting concessions to religious and cultural minorities

The Communist Party of India (CPI): In the early 1920s, communist groups emerged in different parts of India, inspired by the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and advocating socialism as a solution. The CPI was formed on 26 December 1925 at the First Party Conference in Cawnpore (Kanpur). Initially, the Indian communist movement aimed to end British rule in India. From 1935, the Communists primarily worked within the Indian National Congress. A split occurred in December 1941 when the Communists decided to support the British in their war against Nazi Germany. The party questioned the nature of Indian independence, leading to violent uprisings in Telangana. In 1951, the CPI abandoned the path of violent revolution and participated in the general elections, winning 16 seats and becoming the largest opposition party.

The Socialist Party originated during the mass movement stage of the Indian National Congress in the pre-independence era. In 1934, a group of young leaders formed the Congress Socialist Party (CSP) within the Congress, seeking a more radical and egalitarian approach.

Indian National Congress- The Congress party served as an ideological coalition, accommodating individuals and groups with a range of beliefs, including revolutionaries, pacifists, conservatives, radicals, extremists, moderates, and those from the left, right, and centre. It functioned as a platform for numerous groups, interests, and even political parties to participate in the national movement.