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Target Exam





Organic: Amines


Case: Read the following passage and answer accordingly

Amines are prepared mainly by the reduction of nitro compounds. Alkyl or benzyl halide on reaction with an ethanolic solution of ammonia undergoes nucleophilic substitution reaction in which the halogen atom is replaced by an amino group. Amines are prepared from Phthalimide. Treating an amide with bromine in an aqueous or ethanolic solution of sodium hydroxide result in amines.

Which one of the following methods is neither meant for the synthesis nor for separation of amines?
Hoffmann method
Gabriel synthesis
Wurtz reaction
Hinsberg method
Correct Answer:
Wurtz reaction
All other methods are used in synthesis or seperation of amines. Wurtz's reaction is an organic chemical coupling reaction wherein sodium metal is reacted with two alkyl halides in the environment provided by a solution of dry ether in order to form a higher alkane along with a compound containing sodium and the halogen.