Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




"Aruna applied for the post of an art and craft teacher in a reputed school in Delhi. After successfully clearing the tests and the interview, she was offered offered an employment contract, a written document containing the offer of employment, the terms and conditions and the date of joining".

Identify the step of the staffing process being described in the above lines.


Job offer

Background Checking

Contract of Employment

Selection decision

Correct Answer:

Contract of Employment


The correct answer is option 3- Contract of Employment

Here's why:

  • Job Offer: This typically happens before the contract stage. Aruna is already offered the position after clearing tests and interviews.
  • Background Checking: This might be done before the contract is offered, but it's not necessarily mentioned in the passage.
  • Selection Decision: This happens before the contract stage. The passage states Aruna was "offered an employment contract," implying a selection decision had already been made.
  • Contract of Employment: This is the most fitting option. The passage describes Aruna receiving a formal document outlining the terms and conditions of her employment, which is the purpose of an employment contract.

"Selection: Selection is the process of choosing from among the pool of the prospective job candidates developed at the stage of recruitment. Even in case of highly specialised jobs where the choice space is very narrow, the rigour of the selection process serves two important purposes: (i) it ensures that the organisation gets the best among the available, and (ii) it enhances the self-esteem and prestige of those selected and conveys to them the seriousness with which the things are done in the organisation. The rigour involves a host of tests and interviews, described later. Those who are able to successfully negotiate the test and the interviews are offered an employment contract, a written document containing the offer of employment, the terms and conditions and the date of joining."