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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Ryotwari System of Revenue Collection was introduced in which part of British India?


Northern India

Southern India

Western India

Eastern India

Correct Answer:

Southern India


The correct answer is Option 2- Southern India

The Ryotwari System of Revenue Collection was introduced in Southern India.

It was devised by Captain Alexander Read and Thomas Munro in the early 1800s and was implemented in the Madras Presidency (now Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and parts of Karnataka) in 1820. It was later extended to the Bombay Presidency (now Maharashtra and Gujarat) and parts of Assam and Coorg.

Under the Ryotwari System, the individual peasant (ryot) was recognized as the owner of the land and was responsible for paying land tax directly to the government. The tax was assessed on the basis of the quality and productivity of the land, and was payable in cash.

The Ryotwari System was initially controversial, as it led to an increase in the land tax burden on many peasants. However, it also had some positive effects, such as encouraging investment in agriculture and improving the efficiency of land revenue collection.

The Ryotwari System remained in place in British India until independence in 1947. It has since been replaced by various land reform measures in different parts of India.