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Target Exam





Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Which among the following statements are incorrect :

(A) Integuments of ovules harden as tough protective seed coats .

(B) The chalaza  remains as a small pore in the seed coat. This facilitates entry of oxygen and water into the seed during germination.

(C) As the seed matures, its water content increased and general metabolic activity of the embryo slows down.

(D) As ovules mature into seeds, the ovary develops into a fruit, i.e., the transformation of ovules into seeds and ovary into fruit proceeds simultaneously.

(E) The wall of the ovary develops into the fruit .



A,B,C and E only 

B,C and E only .

B and C  only 

C and  E  only 

Correct Answer:

B,C and E only .


Integuments of ovules harden as tough protective seed coats

The micropyle remains as a small pore in the seed coat. This facilitates entry of oxygen and water into the seed during germination.

As the seed matures, its water content is reduced and seeds become relatively dry (10-15 per cent moisture by mass). The general metabolic activity of the embryo slows down. The embryo may enter a state of inactivity called dormancy, or if favourable conditions are available (adequate moisture, oxygen and suitable temperature), they germinate.

As ovules mature into seeds, the ovary develops into a fruit, i.e., the transformation of ovules into seeds and ovary into fruit proceeds simultaneously. The wall of the ovary develops into the wall of fruit called pericarp.