Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Match the following and choose the correct option:        

Column I Column II
(i) Land breeze blows during (a) summer
(ii) Sea breeze blows during (b) winter
(iii) Dark coloured clothes are preferred during (c) day
(iv) Light coloured clothes are preferred during (d) night

(i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(d)

(i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)

(i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)

(i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(b)

Correct Answer:

(i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)


The correct answer is option 3. (i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a).

Because of the temperature difference between the land and the ocean, the land is heated by the sun and these breezes blow at night.

The sun heats both the ocean and the land during the day.

The higher temperature difference between the land and the ocean causes the breeze to blow. The wind blows from a higher-pressure area to a lower pressure area on land, creating a sea breeze during the day.

We prefer to wear black and dark coloured clothes in the winter because they absorb the majority of the radiation from the sun, keeping our bodies warm during the cold weather.

During the summer, we preferred light-colored clothing because light colours reflect heat which helps our body to keep cool.