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Target Exam



Business Studies


Business Environment


The economic environment in India consists of various macro-level factors related to the means of production and distribution of wealth which have an impact on business and industry. These include:
(a) Stage of economic development of the country.
(b) The economic structure in the form of mixed economy which recognises the role of both public and private sectors.
(c) Economic policies of the Government, including industrial, monetary and fiscal policies.
(d) Economic planning, including five year plans, annual budgets, and so on.
(e) Economic indices, like national income, distribution of income, rate and growth of GNP, per capita income, disposal personal income, rate of savings and investments, value of exports and imports, balance of payments, and so on.
(f) Infrastructural factors, such as, financial institutions, banks, modes of transportation communication facilities, and so on.

The economic environment in India, impacting business and industry, encompasses various macro-level factors. Which of the following is one of these factors?


Stage of cultural development

Political ideologies

Stage of economic development of the country

Social media trends

Correct Answer:

Stage of economic development of the country


The passage mentions that the economic environment includes factors related to the means of production and distribution of wealth, such as the stage of economic development of the country.

The economic environment in India consists of various macro-level factors related to the means of production and distribution of wealth which have an impact on business and industry. These include:
Stage of economic development of the country, The economic structure in the form of mixed economy which recognises the role of both public and private sectors, Economic policies of the Government, including industrial, monetary and fiscal policies etc.