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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Politics of Planned Development


Why did India have to spend precious foreign exchange during the Second Five-Year Plan?


To import food supplies

To promote agricultural development

To acquire technology from the global market

None of the above

Correct Answer:

To acquire technology from the global market


The Second Five-Year Plan encountered challenges as well. India's technological backwardness necessitated the expenditure of valuable foreign exchange to acquire technology from the global market. Additionally, as industrial investments overshadowed agricultural investments, concerns about potential food shortages arose. Balancing the development of industry and agriculture proved to be a formidable task for Indian planners. The Third Plan did not deviate significantly from the Second Plan. Critics highlighted an apparent "urban bias" in the plan's strategies during this period. Some believed that industry received undue priority over agriculture, while others advocated for a focus on agriculture-related industries rather than heavy industries.