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Target Exam





Modern India: Framing the Constitution


How many sessions did the Constituent Assembly have for framing the Constitution of India?


Eleven sessions

Twelve sessions

Thirteen sessions

Fourteen sessions

Correct Answer:

Eleven sessions


The correct answer is Option (1) → Eleven sessions

The Constituent Assembly of India, which was tasked with the important responsibility of framing the Constitution of India, had a total of eleven sessions. These sessions took place over a period of almost three years, from December 9, 1946, to January 24, 1950. During these sessions, the members of the Constituent Assembly debated and deliberated upon various constitutional provisions and principles that would shape the foundation of the newly independent India. The final version of the Constitution was adopted on January 26,1950 , marking the Republic Day of India.

First Session (December 9, 1946, to December 23, 1946): The Constituent Assembly held its inaugural session to lay down the groundwork for the constitution-making process.

Eleventh Session (January 24, 1950): The Constitution of India came into effect on this day, and the assembly concluded its work.

So, the correct option is [1].