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Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Which of the following event prompted Siddhartha to leave the palace and seek truth?


The birth of his son

An encounter with a mendicant

A near-death experience

His father's demise

Correct Answer:

An encounter with a mendicant


According to these traditional accounts, the Buddha, initially named Siddhartha, hailed from the Sakya clan and was the son of a clan chief. His upbringing was sheltered within the palace, intentionally separated from the harsh realities of life. However, an incident marked a turning point when he impelled his charioteer to guide him into the city. This initial exposure to the world outside was profoundly unsettling. The sight of an elderly person, a diseased individual, and a lifeless body left an indelible impact. He realized the inescapable fate of bodily decay and destruction. Amidst this, he encountered a wandering mendicant who appeared to have embraced the acceptance of aging, illness, and death, finding tranquility. Inspired, Siddhartha opted to follow this path, leaving the palace to embark on his personal quest for truth.