Practicing Success

Target Exam





Kinds of Sentence


Choose the correct option to change the following into an Exclamatory sentence.

It is sad to think that youth should pass away -


Bravo! that youth should pass away!

Alas that youth should pass away!

It is sad that youth passes away!

Youth should not pass away.

Correct Answer:

Alas that youth should pass away!


The correct option to change the sentence into an exclamatory sentence is: "Alas that youth should pass away!"

Here's why:

  • "Alas" is an interjection used to express sorrow, regret, or grief. It effectively sets the tone of lament and emphasizes the speaker's sadness about the passage of youth.
  • The other options don't fully capture the emotional weight and exclamation:
    • "Bravo!" expresses praise or applause, which is completely opposite to the intended meaning of sadness.
    • "It is sad that youth passes away!" maintains the declarative format and doesn't convey the strong emotion of an exclamation.
    • "Youth should not pass away." expresses a wish or desire, not the speaker's sadness about an inevitable reality.