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Target Exam





Biotechnology -Principles and Processes


Which of the following functions is the stirred-tank bioreactor designed for?


Ensuring anaerobic conditions in the culture vessel

Availability of oxygen throughout the bioreactor

Addition of preservatives to the product

Purification of the product

Correct Answer:

Availability of oxygen throughout the bioreactor


The correct answer is Opton (2) - Availability of oxygen throughout the bioreactor

A stirred-tank bioreactor is a type of vessel used in biotechnology for the cultivation and production of microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeast, and fungi, or for the production of various biotechnological products like enzymes, vaccines, and therapeutic proteins. It is designed to provide a controlled environment that supports the growth and metabolic activities of the microorganisms to maximize their productivity.

Stirred-tank bioreactors are commonly used in the cultivation of microorganisms, cells, or tissues for various applications, such as fermentation and bioprocessing. The design of the stirred-tank bioreactor allows for efficient mixing and aeration to ensure the availability of oxygen throughout the culture vessel. This is essential for aerobic processes, where oxygen is required for the growth and metabolism of microorganisms or cells.

The cylindrical or curved base design of the bioreactor allows for efficient mixing of the reactor contents. The stirrer inside the bioreactor facilitates even mixing of nutrients, growth media, and oxygen throughout the bioreactor. This ensures that the microorganisms receive a consistent supply of essential nutrients and oxygen necessary for their growth and metabolism.

In contrast, anaerobic conditions, addition of preservatives, and purification of the product are typically not the primary functions for which stirred-tank bioreactors are designed.