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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary South Asia


Choose the incorrect statement regarding SAARC.
1 Headquarters of SAARC is located at India.
2 First SAARC summit took place in Dhaka.
3 Turkmenistan recently became a member of SAARC.
4 SAARC is an organization of 9 members.


1,2 and 3

2,3 and 4

1,2 and 4

1,3 and 4

Correct Answer:

1,3 and 4


SAARC headquarters is located in Kathmandu, Nepal. Turkmenistan is not a member of SAARC and it has 8 members.

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a major regional initiative by the South Asian states to evolve cooperation through multilateral means. It began in 1985. The first Summit of SAARC was held in Dhaka.

Members of SAARC- Maldives, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nepal.