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What is the state of matter formed by cooling a gas of extremely low density to Super low temperatures?





Bose-Einstein Condensate

Correct Answer:

Bose-Einstein Condensate


The correct answer is option 4. Bose-Einstein Condensate.

A Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is a state of matter that occurs at temperatures close to absolute zero (approximately -273.15\(^oC\) or 0 Kelvin). It is formed when a dilute gas of bosons, a type of particle with integer spin, such as certain isotopes of alkali metals like rubidium and cesium, is cooled to extremely low temperatures and reaches a point where quantum effects become dominant.

At such low temperatures, the thermal energy of the particles becomes comparable to their quantum mechanical behavior. As a result, the individual wave functions of the particles start to overlap, leading to a collective quantum state known as a Bose-Einstein Condensate. In this state, a large fraction of the particles occupy the lowest energy quantum state, forming a single quantum entity with remarkable properties.

Bose-Einstein Condensates exhibit macroscopic quantum phenomena, meaning their behavior can be described by quantum mechanics at a macroscopic scale. Some of the key properties of BECs include:

1. Superfluidity:  BECs flow without viscosity, meaning they exhibit zero resistance to flow. This property is known as superfluidity and allows BECs to flow without dissipating energy.

2. Coherence:  Particles in a BEC are in the same quantum state, leading to a high degree of coherence. This coherence allows for the interference of matter waves, similar to the interference of light waves in optics.

3. Large wavefunction: The wavefunction of a BEC extends over macroscopic distances, making it possible to observe wave-like behavior at the macroscopic scale.

Bose-Einstein Condensates have been studied extensively in physics laboratories since their first experimental realization in 1995. They offer unique insights into quantum mechanics and have potential applications in areas such as precision measurements, quantum information processing, and developing novel quantum technologies.