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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Infrastructure


Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

  1. Infrastructure plays a crucial role in the working of the modern industrial economy.
  2. Modern agriculture is independent of the speedy transport of seeds.
  3. Agriculture is also dependent on insurance and banking facilities.
  4. Infrastructure has no role in the development of an economy.

B and C only

B and D only

A and C only

A and D only

Correct Answer:

A and C only


Infrastructure is the support system on which depends the efficient working of a modern industrial economy. Modern agriculture also largely depends on it for speedy and large-scale transport of seeds, pesticides, fertilisers and the produce using modern roadways, railways and shipping facilities. In recent times, agriculture also depends on insurance and banking facilities because of its need to operate on a very large scale. Infrastructure contributes to economic development of a country both by increasing the productivity of the factors of production and improving the quality of life of its people.