Practicing Success

Target Exam





Reproductive Health


 Match column 1 with column 2 and choose the correct option:


Column 1 Column 2
A. Hepatitis-B i. Natural method of birth control
B. Saheli ii. Hormone-releasing IUDs
C. LNG-20  iii. Oral contraceptive
D.Coitus Interruptus iv. Venereal disease

A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-ii

A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii

A-ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i

A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i

Correct Answer:

A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i


The correct answer is Option (4)- A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i

Column 1 Column 2
A. Hepatitis-B iv. Venereal disease
B. Saheli iii. Oral contraceptive
C. LNG-20  ii. Hormone-releasing IUDs
D.Coitus Interruptus i. Natural method of birth control

Hepatitis-B is a venereal disease (sexually transmitted disease).

Oral administration of small doses of either progestogens or progestogen –estrogen combinations is contraceptive method used by the females. Saheli –the new oral contraceptive for the females contains a non-steroidal preparation. It is a ‘once a week’ pill with very few side effects and high contraceptive value.

Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs) are inserted by doctors or expert nurses in the uterus through vagina.  Progestasert, LNG-20 are hormone releasing IUDs .

Coitus Interruptus - This is a natural method of birth control.This method, also known as withdrawal, is when the male withdraws his penis from the vagina prior to ejaculation to avoid depositing sperm in the female reproductive tract.