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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Government Budget and Economy


Which of the following represents government's redistributive function ?


Progressive income taxation

Contraction of money supply in an economy

Expansion of money supply in an economy

Increase in spending of private economic agents

Correct Answer:

Progressive income taxation


The correct answer is option (1) : Progressive income taxation

Progressive income taxation involves taxing higher incomes at a proportionately higher rate, which is a mechanism for wealth redistribution. This is a direct method through which the government aims to reduce inequality by taking a larger share of income from those with higher earnings.

The other options do not represent the redistributive function of the government:

  • Contraction of money supply in an economy: This is a monetary policy aimed at controlling inflation and stabilizing the economy, not a redistributive policy.
  • Expansion of money supply in an economy: This is also a monetary policy aimed at stimulating economic activity, not directly related to redistribution.
  • Increase in spending of private economic agents: This refers to the actions of private individuals or businesses and does not pertain to government policy aimed at redistribution.