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General Knowledge


Which of the following books is NOT written by Salman Rushdie?


Midnight's Children

An Area of Darkness

The Satanic Verses


Correct Answer:

An Area of Darkness


The correct answer is Option (2) - An Area of Darkness

"An Area of Darkness" is a book written by V.S. Naipaul, a renowned Trinidadian-British writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2001.

Published in 1964, "An Area of Darkness" is a travelogue that explores Naipaul's journey through India. In the book, Naipaul offers his observations and reflections on various aspects of Indian society and culture, as well as his personal experiences and encounters during his travels across the country. The title itself reflects Naipaul's exploration of the darker, more complex aspects of India, including poverty, social inequality, and cultural dissonance.

Through his vivid descriptions and incisive commentary, Naipaul provides readers with insights into the challenges and contradictions facing post-colonial India. His narrative delves into themes such as the legacy of British colonialism, the clash between tradition and modernity, and the struggle for identity and belonging in a rapidly changing society.

"An Area of Darkness" is considered a seminal work in the genre of travel literature, offering a nuanced and often critical perspective on India's social, political, and cultural landscape. Naipaul's writing style, characterized by its clarity, precision, and unflinching honesty, has earned him both praise and controversy throughout his career.