Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Chandigarh International Airport has been renamed as ______.


Manmohan Singh International Airport

Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport

Guru Gobind Singh International Airport

Rajguru International Airport

Correct Answer:

Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport


The correct answer is Option (2) - Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport

Chandigarh International Airport, formerly known as Chandigarh Airport, was renamed as Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport to honor the legacy of the renowned Indian freedom fighter, Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Bhagat Singh was a prominent figure in India's struggle for independence against British colonial rule and is remembered for his courage, patriotism, and sacrifice. Renaming the airport after him pays tribute to his significant contributions to the nation's history and serves as a symbol of inspiration for future generations.