Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


Which of the following statement is correct?


The time spent by managers in different functions of management is different.

Managers at lower levels of the organisation spend less time in planning and organising

Managers at the top level spend more time in planning and organising.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


Option 1-The time spent by managers in different functions of management is different.
Option 2-Managers at lower levels of the organisation spend less time in planning and organising
Option 3-Managers at the top level spend more time in planning and organising.

All the statements are true as Management consists of a series of interrelated functions that are performed by all managers. Managers function at different levels in the organisation. The time spent by managers in different functions however is different. Managers at the top level spend more time in planning and organising than managers at lower levels of the organisation.