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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Gandhiji hoped that by coupling non-cooperation with ______, India’s two major religious communities, Hindus and Muslims, could collectively bring an end to colonial rule.


Swadeshi Movement

Sepoy Mutiny

Civil Disobedience Movement

Khilafat Movement

Correct Answer:

Khilafat Movement


The correct answer is Option  4- Khilafat Movement.

The Khilafat Movement was a pan-Islamist movement that began in 1919. The movement was launched in response to the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate by the Allied Powers after World War I. The movement was led by Muslim religious leaders, but it also attracted the support of many Hindus.

Gandhiji saw the Khilafat Movement as an opportunity to unite Hindus and Muslims in a common struggle against British rule. He believed that by coupling non-cooperation with the Khilafat Movement, India's two major religious communities could collectively bring an end to colonial rule.

Gandhiji's hopes for the Khilafat Movement were not realized, however. The movement was weakened by internal divisions and by the failure of the Turkish government to support it. The movement also faced opposition from some Hindus, who were concerned about the rise of Muslim nationalism.

Despite its failure, the Khilafat Movement was an important event in Indian history. It showed that Hindus and Muslims could unite in a common struggle, and it helped to popularize the idea of non-cooperation as a weapon against British rule.

The Swadeshi Movement, Sepoy Mutiny, and Civil Disobedience Movement were all important events in the Indian independence movement, but they were not directly related to the Khilafat Movement.