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Target Exam





Analysis of Financial Statements

The analysis of the actual movement of money inflow and outflow in an organisation is called........analysis.
Ratio Analysis
Comparative Statements
Common Size Statements
Cash Flow Analysis
Correct Answer:
Cash Flow Analysis
Cash Flow Analysist refers to the analysis of actual movement of cash into and out of an organisation. The flow of cash into the business is called as cash inflow or positive cash flow and the flow of cash out of the firm is called as cash outflow or a negative cash flow. The difference between the inflow and outflow of cash is the net cash flow. Cash flow statement is prepared to project the manner in which the cash has been received and has been utilised during an accounting year as it shows the sources of cash receipts and also the purposes for which payments are made. Thus, it summarises the causes for the changes in cash position of a business enterprise between dates of two balance sheets.