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Who is the author of the book 'Ethical Religion'?


Bipan Chandra

Swami Vivekananda

Vinoba Bhave

Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer:

Mahatma Gandhi


The correct answer is Option (4) - Mahatma Gandhi

"Ethical Religion" is a book written by Mahatma Gandhi, the prominent leader of the Indian independence movement and an advocate of nonviolent resistance. In this book, Gandhi expounds upon his philosophical and spiritual beliefs regarding religion and ethics. Gandhi's concept of "Ethical Religion" emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct and moral values in religion. He believed that true religion should not be confined to rituals, dogmas, or sectarian beliefs but should be based on principles of truth, nonviolence, compassion, and service to humanity.

In "Ethical Religion," Gandhi discusses various aspects of religion, including the role of spirituality in individual and social life, the relationship between religion and morality, and the need for religious harmony and tolerance. He emphasizes the idea of "applied religion," where religious beliefs are translated into practical action for the betterment of society. Gandhi's approach to religion was deeply influenced by his study of various religious traditions, including Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. He believed in the universality of spiritual truths and sought to promote understanding and respect among different faiths.

Overall, "Ethical Religion" presents Gandhi's vision of a morally and spiritually grounded approach to religion that transcends sectarianism and promotes unity, compassion, and social justice. The book continues to inspire readers with its timeless message of ethical living and the pursuit of truth and righteousness.