Practicing Success

Target Exam





Theory Base of Accounting


Which statement is not correct Double Entry System?


It is based on the principle of “Dual Aspect”.

Every transaction has two effects.

Every debit must have a corresponding credit.

It is not a complete system of maintaining records of financial transactions.

Correct Answer:

It is not a complete system of maintaining records of financial transactions.


The correct answer is option 4- It is not a complete system of maintaining records of financial transactions.

* Option 4 is related to single entry system. Single entry system is not a complete system of maintaining records of financial transactions. It does not record two-fold effect of each and every transaction. Instead of maintaining all the accounts, only personal accounts and cash book are maintained under this system.

The systems of recording transactions in the book of accounts are generally classified into two types, viz. Double entry system and Single entry system. Double entry system is based on the principle of “Dual Aspect” which states that every transaction has two effects, viz. receiving of a benefit and giving of a benefit. Each transaction, therefore, involves two or more accounts and is recorded at different places in the ledger. The basic principle followed is that every debit must have a corresponding credit. Thus, one account is debited and the other is credited. Double entry system is a complete system as both the aspects of a transaction are recorded in the book of accounts. The system is accurate and more reliable as the possibilities of frauds and misappropriations are minimised. The arithmetic inaccuracies in records can mostly be checked by preparing the trial balance. The system of double entry can be implemented by big as well as small organisations.