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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges of nation Building


Which of the following statements is correct with reference to independent India:

(A) All the princely states agreed to join the Indian Union willingly.

(B) The internal boundaries of the country needed to be drawn afresh.

(C) The famous speech 'Tryst with destiny' was given by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Deputy Prime Minister of India.

(D) Freedom came with partition, which resulted in large-scale violence and displacement.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(C) And (D) Only

(D) And (A) Only

(B) And (D) Only

(B), (D) And (A) Only

Correct Answer:

(B) And (D) Only


The correct answer is option (3) - (B) And (D) Only

Let us explain each statement one by one:

(A) All the princely states agreed to join the Indian Union willingly- This statement is INCORRECT.

All the princely states did not agree to join the Indian Union willingly. The problems started very soon. First of all, the ruler of Travancore announced that the state had decided on Independence. The Nizam of Hyderabad made a similar announcement the next day. Rulers like the Nawab of Bhopal were averse to joining the Constituent Assembly. This response of the rulers of the Princely States meant that after Independence there was a very real possibility that India would get further divided into a number of small countries.

(B) The internal boundaries of the country needed to be drawn afresh - This statement is CORRECT.

The internal boundaries of the country needed to be drawn afresh to meet the aspirations of the people who spoke different languages. The States Reorganization Act was passed in 1956, providing a constitutional basis for the creation of linguistic states. The implementation of the act led to the formation of 14 new states and 6 union territories, promoting better governance, administration, and representation of diverse linguistic and cultural groups.

(C) The famous speech 'tryst with destiny' was given by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Deputy Prime Minister of India - This statement is INCORRECT.

In the transformative moment between the 14th and 15th of August 1947, India achieved its long-awaited independence. It was at the stroke of midnight when the nation's freedom was realized, marking a historic milestone in its journey.  On this occasion, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India, addressed a special session of the Constituent Assembly. It was during this event that Nehru delivered his iconic speech, commonly known as the "Tryst with Destiny".

(D) Freedom came with partition, which resulted in large-scale violence and displacement - This statement is CORRECT.

The first few years in the life of independent India were full of challenges. Some of the major issues at that time were-

- Freedom came with Partition, which resulted in large-scale violence and displacement and challenged the very idea of a secular India.
- The integration of the princely states into the Indian union needed urgent resolution.
- The internal boundaries of the country needed to be drawn afresh to meet the aspirations of the people who spoke different languages.