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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


Which of these statements about the 1967 elections in India is correct?


Congress retained power at the Centre with an increased majority

Congress lost the majority in the Lok Sabha but formed a coalition government with the support of some other parties

Congress lost both Lok Sabha and Assembly elections

Congress won the Lok Sabha elections but lost the Assembly election in many states

Correct Answer:

Congress won the Lok Sabha elections but lost the Assembly election in many states


It was in this context of heightened popular discontent and the polarisation of political forces that the fourth general elections to the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies were held in February 1967. The Congress was facing the electorate for the first time without Nehru. The results jolted the Congress at both the national and state levels. Many contemporary political observers described the election results as a ‘political earthquake’. The Congress did manage to get a majority in the Lok Sabha, but with its lowest tally of seats and share of votes since 1952. Half the ministers in Indira Gandhi’s cabinet were defeated. 

The dramatic nature of the political change would be more apparent to you at the State level. The Congress lost majority in as many as seven States. In two other States defections prevented it from forming a government. These nine States where the Congress lost power were spread across the country- Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madras and Kerala.