Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


A and B leave from point M at the same time towards point N. B reaches N and starts towards M instantly. He meets A at point O (between M and N). The distance between M and N is 245 km. If the speeds of A and B are 26 km/h and 65 km/h, respectively, then what is the distance between O and N?


115 km

105 km

95 km

140 km

Correct Answer:

105 km


Time taken by B yo reach at N = \(\frac{245}{65}\)

= \(\frac{49}{13}\) hours

Distance covered by A in \(\frac{49}{13}\) hours = 26 × \(\frac{49}{13}\) 

= 98 km

Now distance between A and  B = 245 - 98 = 147 km

Time taken by them to meet at point O = \(\frac{147}{ 65 + 26}\)

= \(\frac{147}{ 91}\)

= \(\frac{21}{ 13}\) hours

Distance between O and N = \(\frac{21}{ 13}\) × 65 = 105 km