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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the following idiom.

To take a chill pill


To ask a doctor for medication

To drink cold water

To gulp a tablet for a cold

To calm down

Correct Answer:

To calm down


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "to take a chill pill" is to calm down.

It is an informal way of telling someone to relax or to not be so angry or upset. The idiom is often used when someone is overreacting or being too emotional.

The other options are not correct.

  • To ask a doctor for medication: This is not the same as calming down.
  • To drink cold water: This can help to calm someone down, but it is not the same as the idiom "to take a chill pill".
  • To gulp a tablet for a cold: This is used to treat a cold, but it is not the same as calming someone down.