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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


With reference to the Hindu Mythology, which of the following is NOT a part of ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 1- Garuda

Garuda is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu but not one of his incarnations. So the answer is Garuda.

The most widely accepted and popular list of the ten incarnations of Vishnu, also known as the Dashavatara, are:

Matsya (The Fish): Rescued Manu, the first man, from a great flood.
Kurma (The Tortoise): Supported Mount Mandara during the churning of the cosmic ocean to obtain the elixir of immortality.
Varaha (The Boar): Lifted the earth from the cosmic ocean after it was submerged by a demon.
Narasimha (The Man-Lion): Destroyed the demon king Hiranyakashipu to protect his devotee Prahlada.
Vamana (The Dwarf): Tricked King Mahabali to regain control of the heavens for the devas.
Parashurama (The Warrior with the Axe): Rid the earth of evil Kshatriya kings who misused their power.
Rama (The Ideal King): Rescued his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana and established a righteous kingdom.
Krishna (The Divine Cowherd): Played a pivotal role in the Mahabharata war and restored Dharma.
Buddha (The Enlightened One): Spread the message of non-violence and spiritual liberation.
Kalki (The White Horseman): Yet to come, prophesied to appear at the end of Kali Yuga (the age of darkness) to restore righteousness.