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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Money and Banking


The currency issued by the Reserve Bank of India is called

  1. High powered money
  2. Reserve money
  3. Bank money
  4. Monetary base
  5. Fiscal base

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, B and D only

B, C and E only

C, D and E only

A, C and E only

Correct Answer:

A, B and D only


High-powered money basically refers to the liability of the monetary authority of the country. A monetary authority is an entity that manages a country's currency and money supply. The Reserve Bank of India is the monetary authority of India. High-powered money is also called as the monetary base and is created by the RBI. Reserve money is also called central bank money, monetary base, base money, or high-powered money. It is the base level for the money supply or the high-powered component of the money supply. We can simply say that, Reserve Money is Currency in Circulation plus Deposits of Commercial Banks with RBI.