Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Analysing Arguments


This question consists of a paragraph followed by four statements. You are required to read the paragraph carefully and select one statement that is best supported by the information given in the paragraph.

"The images of Mars taken by the Mariner 9 probe indicate the presence of valleys that looks like the stream beds on Earth. The images also show that Mars once had an atmosphere that was thick enough to trap Sun's heat. If this is true, something must have happened to Mars billions of years ago that stripped away its atmosphere."

This paragraph supports which of the following statements:-


Mars has little or no atmosphere.

Mars once had an atmosphere thicker than Earth's atmosphere.

Mariner 9 probe took the first picture of Mars.

Mars is closer to Sun than Earth.

Correct Answer:

Mars has little or no atmosphere.


The correct answer is Option 1: Mars has little or no atmosphere.

The images also show that Mars once had an atmosphere that was thick enough to trap Sun's heat. If this is true, something must have happened to Mars billions of years ago that stripped away its atmosphere."- These lines show that today the MARS has little or no atmosphere at present.

The paragraph says that Mars once had a thicker atmosphere but doesn't say it's thicker than Earth's. So, option 2 is out.

Option 3 is irrelevant to the main point of the passage.

Option 4 is not supported by the passage.