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Who was the first Indian woman to be appointed Chief Justice of a state High Court?


Leila Seth

Anna Chandy

Anna Chandy

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Correct Answer:

Leila Seth


The correct answer is Option (1) - Leila Seth

Leila Seth, born on October 20, 1930, was a distinguished Indian jurist and author. She made history by becoming the first woman to be appointed as Chief Justice of a state High Court in India. Leila Seth's remarkable achievements and contributions to the legal field have left an indelible mark on Indian jurisprudence. Leila Seth was born into a prominent family in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. She pursued her education at several prestigious institutions, including Queen Mary's School in Delhi and the University of Delhi, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees.

Leila Seth embarked on a distinguished legal career marked by numerous milestones. She began her legal practice in the 1950s and went on to become one of the first women to be appointed as a judge in the Delhi High Court in 1978. Throughout her career, she earned recognition for her integrity, fairness, and commitment to justice. In 1991, Leila Seth made history by being appointed as the Chief Justice of the Himachal Pradesh High Court, becoming the first woman to hold such a position in India. Her tenure as Chief Justice was characterized by a dedication to upholding the rule of law and ensuring access to justice for all. Leila Seth played a significant role in advocating for legal reform and gender equality in India. She was actively involved in various initiatives aimed at advancing women's rights and promoting judicial reforms. Her landmark judgments and progressive legal interpretations contributed to the evolution of Indian jurisprudence.

In addition to her legal career, Leila Seth was also an accomplished author and social activist. She wrote several books, including her memoir "On Balance" and children's books such as "We, the Children of India." Through her writing and activism, she sought to promote education, human rights, and social justice. Leila Seth's pioneering achievements as the first woman Chief Justice of a state High Court inspired generations of women in India to pursue careers in law and public service. Her legacy continues to inspire and her contributions to the legal profession and society at large are remembered with admiration and respect.

In summary, Leila Seth's groundbreaking appointment as the Chief Justice of the Himachal Pradesh High Court marked a significant milestone in Indian judicial history and paved the way for greater gender diversity and inclusivity in the legal profession. Her exemplary career and dedication to justice have left an enduring impact on Indian society.