Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organic: Biomolecules


Statement I: \(\beta \)-D-(+) glucopyranose is more stable than \(\alpha \) -D-(+) glucopyranose

Statement II: Anomeric effect (Caused by hyperconjugation) explains the stability of \(\beta \) -D-(+)- glucopyranose


Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I

Statement I is correct but Statement II is false

Statement I is false but Statement II is correct

Correct Answer:

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I


The correct answer is option 1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I.

Statement I: \(\beta \)-D-(+) glucopyranose is more stable than \(\alpha \) -D-(+) glucopyranose.

This statement is correct. The \(\beta \)-anomer of D-glucopyranose has an OH group pointing up in the equatorial position, while the \(\alpha \)-anomer has an OH group pointing down in the axial position. The equatorial position is more stable than the axial position because it is less sterically hindered.

Statement II:  Anomeric effect (Caused by hyperconjugation) explains the stability of \(\beta \) -D-(+)- glucopyranose.

This statement is also correct. The anomeric effect is a stabilization effect that occurs when an electronegative substituent is located in the axial position of a cyclohexane ring. The electronegative substituent withdraws electron density from the ring, which weakens the bond between the ring oxygen and the axial substituent. This makes the axial substituent more susceptible to rotation, which allows it to adopt an equatorial position. The equatorial position is more stable than the axial position, so the anomeric effect stabilizes the \(\beta \)-anomer of D-glucopyranose.

Therefore, both statements are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I.