Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Numerical Ability


Time, Speed and Distance


Farhan and Aman are going from Delhi to Haryana. The difference and sum of Their speeds are 40 km/hour and 60 km/hour respectively. If in a race Farhan can finish 8 minutes earlier than Aman, then find the distance they both should cover.


5/3 km

8/3 km

3/5 km

3/8 km

Correct Answer:

5/3 km


Let the speed of Farhan= F km/h  & Speed of Aman = A km/h and the distance that have to cover be D km.

Then, according to question,

F + A = 60   ---- (1)

F – A = 40   ---- (2)

after adding Equation (1) and (2), we get

2F = 100

F  = 50 km/hour

Put the value of F in equation (1)

F +  A = 60

50 + A = 60

A = 60 – 50

A = 10 km/hour

Time taken by Farhan = \(\frac{D}{50}\)

Time taken by Aman = \(\frac{D}{10}\)

Difference in time = \(\frac{8}{60}\)

\(\frac{D}{10}\) - \(\frac{D}{50}\) = \(\frac{8}{60}\)

\(\frac{5D - D}{50}\) = \(\frac{8}{60}\)

D = \(\frac{5}{3}\) km

So , distance to be covered is \(\frac{5}{3}\) km