If the distance between the earth and the sun doubles, what would be the duration of the year? |
365 days 366 days 730 days 1032 days |
1032 days |
\(\text{According to ques : }a' = 2 a\) ... where a is the semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit traced by earth and a' is the new semi-major axis if the distance between the sun and the earth gets doubled . \(\text{Time period : } T^2 \propto a^3\) \(\Rightarrow [\frac{T'}{T}]^2 = [\frac{a'}{a}]^3\) \(\Rightarrow [\frac{T'}{T}]^2 = [\frac{2a}{a}]^3\) \(\Rightarrow [\frac{T'}{T}]^2 = 8\) \(\Rightarrow T' = \sqrt{8}*T\) \(\Rightarrow T' = \sqrt{8}*365 \text{ days}\) T' = 1032.7 days |