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Micro Economics: Introduction


Which of the following is a reason for the economic problem to arise?


Alternate use of resources 

Scarcity of resource 

Unlimited human wants

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is: Option 4: All of the above

An economic problem generally means the problem of making choices due to scarcity of resources. As, humans have unlimited wants and the resources are limited in nature, a consumer has to chose between different commodities, so that he gets maximum satisfaction. All individuals are rational in nature thus, will chose to maximise their level of satisfaction. The alternate uses of the commodity also arises the problem of choice for the consumer.

Here's why each reason contributes to the economic problem:

  • Scarcity of resources: This is the fundamental reason. Resources like land, labor, capital, and raw materials are limited. We cannot produce everything we want in unlimited quantities.
  • Alternate use of resources: Since resources are scarce, they can be used for various purposes. Choosing to produce one good or service means sacrificing the opportunity to produce something else with those same resources. This creates a trade-off.
  • Unlimited human wants: Humans have a vast array of desires and needs that constantly grow. Even as basic needs are met, people develop new wants for different goods and services. These desires are essentially unlimited, further straining the limited resources available.

Therefore, all of the reasons listed contribute to the emergence of the economic problem.