Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




In the context of the executive branch, what is the role of civil servants?


To make and pass laws

To interpret laws and deliver justice

To assist in policy framing and handle day-to-day administration

To oversee the work of the judiciary

Correct Answer:

To assist in policy framing and handle day-to-day administration


The correct answer is Option 3- To assist in policy framing and handle day-to-day administration

Civil servants, as part of the permanent executive, assist in the framing of policies and are responsible for the day-to-day administration of government operations, ensuring that laws and policies are effectively implemented.

The word executive means a body of persons that looks after the implementation of rules and regulations in actual practice. In the case of government also, one body may take policy decisions and decide about rules and regulations, while the other one would be in charge of implementing those rules. The organ of government that primarily looks after the function of implementation and administration is called the executive.
Executive is the branch of government responsible for the implementation of laws and policies adopted by the legislature. The executive is often involved in framing of policy. The official designations of the executive vary from country to country. Some countries have presidents, while others have chancellors. The executive branch is not just about presidents, prime ministers and ministers. It also extends to the administrative machinery (civil servants). While the heads of government and their ministers, saddled with the overall responsibility of government policy, are together known as the political executive, those responsible for day to day administration are called the permanent executive.