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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


What is the characteristic size of Radha and Krishna in the paintings by Nihal Chand?


Large and dominant


Tiny in the vastness of panoramic landscapes

Absent in the paintings

Correct Answer:

Tiny in the vastness of panoramic landscapes


Answer:  Tiny in the vastness of panoramic landscapes
In Nihal Chand's paintings, Radha and Krishna often appeared tiny in the vastness and minutiae of their panoramic landscape settings.

Sawant Singh’s most celebrated and outstanding artist was Nihal Chand. Nihal Chand worked for Sawant Singh between 1735 and 1757, and composed paintings on Sawant Singh’s poetry that portrayed the theme of divine lovers — Radha and Krishna, in courtly surroundings, often appearing tiny in the vastness and minutiae of their panoramic landscape settings. Kishangarh artists reveled in the depiction of vistas in accentuated colours.